Saturday, February 27, 2010


On February 26, 2010 the BSBA College Students at San Ildefonso College had a culminating activity entitled "BSBA CAMP AND GARAGE "SUBASTAHAN" FESTIVAL, a whole day affair organized by Ms. Benjie Penano-Viray, Event Chairperson.

One of the highlights of the event is a Seminar/Symposium on Corporate Meetings and of Board Resolutions. The Opening remarks and introduction of the Main Speaker was delivered by Prof. (Major) Alfonso Besario.Invited as Speaker is SICAA President and Tanay Water District Chairman Arch Freddie B. Alfonso, who also suggested that the BSBA students adopt as Theses Topic "Micro Management for Small Businesses in Tanay", following the Nobel Prize Winning Concept of Mohamad Yunus of Bangladesh, to utilize the data from the "Kabuhayan Project" about to be launched by the Tanay Association of Southern California spearheaded by Emelito "Betsog" Jugo II of SIC HS Batch 1968. In the closing remarks delivered by Dr. Evangeline Macaso PhD, SIC Dean of the College Department, she formally accepted the suggestion of SICAA and would jointly develop the criteria for the selection of students who may be assigned the thesis topic to be sponsored by the SIC Alumni Association,

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