Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ground Breaking for New SIC Building on May 8, 2011

The San Ildefonso College Administrative Council chaired by its President Msgr. Peter C. Canonero has set the Groundbreaking of the New SIC East Wing after approving the Architectural Plans presented by SICAA Pres. Arch. Freddie B. Alfonso. The Four Storey Building has a Penthouse for an Alumni Center. The 4th level has an Auditorium, Classrooms at the 3rd Floor, Library, Computer Center, Faculty Rooms, Principal's Office, Guidance Cennter and Printing Room at the Second Floor. The Pre-School Classrooms will occupy the Ground Floor which shall have micro shops fronting Dancel Street. The Main Entrance shall be from due east to the atrium stair hall with a Parents Lounge and Bookstore enveloping the Lobby, The Master Plan envisions a future Glorietta with the Canteen below it thereby freeing the Quadrangle with enough space for a basketball court, play areas and pocket gardens complete with trees. A statue of San Ildefonso is proposed to be place at a garden at the east axis of the quadrangle right across the main entrance arch.

The Ground Breaking at 3:oo p.m. on May 8, 2011 coincides with Mother's Day, an echoing of the school being our "Alma Mater" or "Caring Mother"..
All Ildefonsians are cordially invited.

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